This system is the mechanical stabilization of an embankment through the interaction between the filling material particles and reinforcement.
This solution stands out for the improvement of the mechanical properties of the soil, speed in its assembly, an adequate adaptation to differential settlements, ductility, and energy release during an earthquake.
Mechanically stabilized earth (TEM) technology is the mechanical stabilization of an embankment through the orderly incorporation of reinforcing meshes inside a compacted granular fill.
These reinforcing meshes have a fold on one of their edges that, together with a backing mesh, form the outer face of a retaining work.
This technology offers greater flexibility, resistance, implementation speed, aesthetic finish, and economy than traditional retaining walls.
The result is a hybrid material (soil-reinforcement) that allows the construction of retaining walls and other works with interesting properties such as:
Structural use of the land.
Lightweight, easy to install and transport material.
High Ductility.
High durability with minimal maintenance.
High Adaptation to Differential Settlements in Compressible Soils.
Economically Competitive.
Varied architectural possibilities.
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